By Ocient Staff
Growth Marketing and Business Development aids in driving growth and aligning strategic initiatives with the company’s long-term goals. This department is responsible for identifying new business opportunities, cultivating key relationships, and expanding market presence.
In this employee spotlight, we talked with the Director of Growth Marketing and Business Development, Sophie Kane, who leads these efforts.
Let’s learn more about Sophie’s background and see how she fits into her role here at Ocient.
Where are you based?
I’m based in New York City, in Brooklyn to be exact.
How long have you been with Ocient?
Almost three years now!
What are some things you like to do in your free time?
We are entering Fall now in the city, so recently, my hobbies have been exploring Central and Prospect Park. It’s a simple pleasure, but biking through with the leaves changing or walking around with a cup of coffee in hand is an ideal use of time.
Outside of this, I live in a city with some of the most amazing food, art, and theater in the world, so anytime I can take advantage and explore the MoMA or The Met or visit a new restaurant with friends, I do. I’ve been getting back into photography recently; I’m on a mission to create some scrapbooks from the last few years; my mom did it for us as kids, and it has been so special to look back on childhood photos, so I want to continue that with new memories.
What’s the next place you’d like to check off your travel bucket list?
I was moved by a passage in Anthony Bourdain’s book where he talks about his travels in Japan. My next dream destination would have to be Tokyo or Kyoto. I’m fascinated by the culture and landscapes; I would embrace being a fish out of water there. I’d love to hit the slopes in Japan and try every type of sushi I can get my hands on too.
What is one of your proudest career moments while working at Ocient?
Hard to choose one, but I constantly benchmark our rebrand and website launch against everything else. It represented the beginning of a new era for Ocient, and it was the start of my journey here. I have fond memories of working on that project; at one point, I remember Jenna Boller and I agonizing over a shade of blue which was inspired by some neon signs she saw on a walk. Since then, our brand has evolved, and so has our marketing program. It has been incredibly rewarding to witness and contribute to the company’s growth and change since then.
What career advice would you give your younger self?
I say it too much but embrace being the “dumbest person in the room” by choice. This practice enables you to learn from everyone else around you, giving you the rare opportunity to understand new perspectives and practice different ways of thinking. Be the person who asks meaningful questions! When I was starting my career, my boss shared some great advice that I have never forgotten: “It’s that curiosity, drive, and determination that will continue to set you apart from the rest—the ability to go for it where others hesitate, take a chance where others play it safe. And above all, take time to communicate, balance confidence with humility, and connect with people on a human level.” I think that sums it up pretty well.
Outside of that, my mom ingrained in me early on that you regret the opportunities you don’t take, never the ones you do. Go. For. It! And, surround yourself with people who encourage you to do that too.
Would you like to give an employee shoutout?
Maybe it’s a trick question, but I would be remiss if I didn’t shout out my boss, Jenna Boller. She and I have been on quite the whirlwind journey since the beginning. She’s encouraged me to carve out my own path and to keep walking down it, offering great guidance along the way. I learn from her every day. Three years have seemed like three months, and I feel like we’re just getting started still.
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